E-waste Laptops and scrap laptop parts are some of the most common items individuals and businesses scrap for quick cash. It seems everyone has a laptop today. As technology quickly advances, many people and organizations upgrade their laptops every few years to stay current and have the latest and fastest technology. This means you can usually find schools, businesses, and everyday people with old laptops on hand that they are no longer using and need to recycle.
Depending on your work load, personal preferences, and current scrap pricing, you may wish to simply scrap the laptop as it is. Keep in mind that not all laptops are created equal. There are different categories that whole laptops are sorted into by e-scrap buyers, and all of these categories have different pricing per pound. If the laptop has all of its components and the screen is not broken, it will be considered a complete laptop. You should check with your e-scrap buyer to see if they prefer to receive complete laptops with or without the battery.
Some e-waste buyers will also purchase incomplete or partial laptops, which are missing important components like the RAM, motherboard, and other parts. Scrap yards will alsolaptops with broken screens. These will command different prices from complete laptops. You may not be able to tell right away if a laptop’s screen is broken. Just because there are no obvious external cracks does not mean the screen is in tact. To check the screen’s condition, take a flashlight and shine it at the screen. If the screen is busted, you will be able to see the damage with the aid of the flashlight.
You may be able to make more money if you take a laptop apart to scrap the components individually. Many e-scrap buyers will buy laptop batteries separately, and you may make more money if you remove the battery and sell it separately. Ask your selected scrap buyer for their prices and procedures for scrap laptops and laptop batteries.
The laptop’s motherboard, hard drive, and RAM can also be removed and sold individually. Depending on the laptop and the type of RAM it uses, you may even be able to resell the RAM on a site like eBay. Some scrap yards will not erase the information on a hard drive before recycling it. Don’t forget to wipe or physically destroy your hard drive before scrapping it if you don’t want to take the risk of sensitive information falling into unscrupulous hands.
Many laptops have hard drive caddies or brackets that help to hold the hard drive in place. These caddies are usually made out of plastic and therefore are worth almost nothing in scrap value. However, before scrapping the caddies or throwing them away, you should check eBay. Repair shops and computer repair hobbiests may be looking for this exact part. Some laptop brands or models, like Apple laptops, have caddies that can sell for up to $15 each even in used condition.
Scrapping laptops can be a great way to earn extra revenue. It is up to you to decide if you have the time and patience to take them apart or if you wish to scrap them as is. A reputable e-scrap buyer like ELEMS Electronic Recycling can help you make the right decision for you by providing up-to-date pricing information. Contact us today if you wish to learn more about our scrap process.